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President's Word on Ownership Structure Change

President's Word on Ownership Structure Change


Dear colleagues, dear partners and friends, we are in the midst of a major change of ownership. Changes are inherently uncomfortable to humans because they always bring uncertainty. However, good work brought us this far and only good work will carry us further, regardless who the new owners are. Viktor Lenac Shipyard will continue to be an industry leader in the Mediterranean and there are many more good years in front of us.

Dragi kolege, partneri i prijatelji,

nalazimo se usred velike promjene vlasničke strukture našeg Brodogradilišta. Naši, sada već bivši, većinski vlasnici - Tankerska plovidba d.d. i Uljanik d.d. su odlučili da je njihova misija u Viktoru Lencu završila i da je došlo vrijeme da se okrenu novim izazovima i prilikama. Ja im samo mogu zahvaliti na sjajnoj suradnji i podršci koju su pružali Upravi i meni osobno. Čast mi je bila surađivati s takvim profesionalcima u Nadzornom odboru.

Nova vlasnička struktura se polako uspostavlja, ali se moram suzdržati od bilo kakvih komentara dok nova struktura ne postane službena. Naglasit ću samo da je iskazani interes i odlučnost naših novih dioničara jasni pokazatelj da radimo dobar posao i da tržište to prepoznaje.

Promjene prirodno izazivaju nelagodu kod većine ljudi jer sa sobom donose nesigurnost.

No, ja uvijek pokušavam vidjeti pozitivno u događajima i tako gledam i na ovu promjenu vlasničke strukture. Brodogradilište Viktor Lenac i njegovi ljudi imaju aktivnu ulogu u oblikovanju svoje budućnosti. Vrijedan i kvalitetan rad nas je doveo do ovoga gdje smo danas i isti će nas voditi dalje u budućnost, neovisno o tome tko će biti novi vlasnici. Stručni i vrijedni zaposlenici se nemaju čega bojati. Nitko na svijetu ne ulaže svoj vlastiti novac u kupovinu kompanije da bi potom uništio njenu bit - kvalitetne ljude. Znajte da ljudi biraju kompanije, a ne obrnuto. Stoga je moja poruka svim našim kvalitetnim i vrijednim ljudima - nastavite s dobrim radom i uvijek ćete biti u prilici birati gdje želite raditi.

Brodogradilište Viktor Lenac će zadržati svoju vodeću ulogu u remontnoj brodogradnji na Mediteranu i još puno dobrih godina je pred nama. Želim nam svima dobar vjetar i mirno more, a budite sigurni da ćemo znati broditi i kroz oluje.

Jači od mora ...

Aljoša Pavelin

Dear colleagues, dear partners and friends,

we are in the midst of a major change of ownership. Our past major shareholders - Tankerska plovidba d.d. i Uljanik d.d. have decided that their mission in Viktor Lenac Shipyard is finished and the time has come for them to embrace other challenges and opportunities. I can just thank them for a great cooperation and support provided to the Management Board and me personally. I enjoyed working with such a professional team in the Supervisory Board.

New ownership structure is slowly being clarified, but I shall refrain from comment till it becomes official. I’ll just say that interest and determination shown by our new shareholders prove that a great job we are doing was recognized by the market.

Changes are inherently uncomfortable to humans because they always bring uncertainty. However, I always try to see the positive side of things and in this way I look at this ownership change. Viktor Lenac Shipyard and its people are in an active position, meaning we are in charge our future. Good work brought us this far and only good work will carry us further, regardless who the new owners are. Knowledgeable, skilfull and hard working people have nothing to fear of. No one in the world would invest her/his money into a company and then destroy its very essence - good employees. Remember that people are choosing companies, and not vice versa. So, my message to all of our good people is - just keep up the good work and you will always be in a situation to choose where will you work.

Viktor Lenac Shipyard will continue to be an industry leader in the Mediterranean and there are many more good years in front of us. I wish calm winds and following seas to all of us, but be sure that we will manage gales as well.

Stronger than the sea ...

Aljoša Pavelin

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